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ISSN 2698-6140   ♦  Volume 5   2021/2   ♦  12 pages  pdf-Format   ♦   Produkt Nr.   FPK-2021-2     


Sabine Riedel

Diskursanalyse, Integrationstheorien und Ordoliberalismus bieten Erkenntnis und Orientierung 

The reporting on the (post) Brexit negotiations 2019-2020 is a textbook example of how the media increasingly steer social discourses and influence political decision-making processes that actually belong in the hands of the sovereign, the citizens. Foucault’s discourse analysis makes media techniques aware in order to recognize what is not said, to question doctrines and to form one’s own judgment.


  • Discourse analysis examines rules of participation, control and governance
  • Functionalism – neofunctionalism: Compet-ing integration concepts for Europe since 1945
  • Ordoliberalism: The interdependence of state and economic order
  • Summary

The 12 pages include:
Analysis, summary, 6 figures and excerpts, 69 references (linked).  Cf.

Translation:  Deutsch