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ISSN 2698-6140   ♦  Volume 5   2021/4   ♦  14 pages  pdf-Format   ♦   Produkt Nr.   FPK-2021-4     


Sabine Riedel

As Seen from Theories on Democracy, Transformation, Modernisation and Interdependence

On the tenth anniversary of the Arab Spring, the results from the perspective of Western democracies are mostly negative. But what criteria is this analysis based on? Couldn’t a democracy-theoretical approach also lead to other findings? This article will also discuss other theories that contribute to an understanding of the current crises


  • Applying different criteria from the democracy theory
  • Less attention to experiences of system transformation and (economic) transformation in Eastern Europe
  • The Modernisation theory is entirely underestimated to this day – wrongly
  • In Arab Spring, external factors existed following the Interdependency Theory
  • To sum up: The performance of theoretical approaches to the Arab Spring

The 14 pages include:
Analysis, summary, 8 figures and excerpts, 78 references (linked). Cf. Excerpt/Teaser

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