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ISSN 2698-6140   ♦  Volume 6   2022/2   ♦  31 pages  pdf-Format   ♦   Product No.   FPK-2022-2     

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Sabine Riedel

The crises and wars in the Middle East are closely linked to Kurdish resistance organizations that want to establish their own state, as in northern Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. This comparative country analysis looks at historical backgrounds and discusses the situation of the Kurds within the framework of existing minority and autonomy rights. These peace policy instruments of international law offer the Kurds more perspective than violent separatism.


  • Historical, terminological and normative contexts of the Kurdish Question(s)
  • The Rights of Kurds in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria
  • Conflict Solutions link Horizontal and Vertical Separation of Powers

The 31 pages include: Analysis, summary, 14 figures and excerpts, 208 references (linked). 
Cf. Excerpt/Teaser

Deutsch  ♦  العربي