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www.culture-politics.international/journal                  ISSN: 2698-6140

Editorship: Prof. Dr. Sabine Riedel, Berlin, Germany                 kontakt@sabineriedel.de

Voluntary commitment to quality assurance of scientific contributions

The editor of this journal and its authors are committed to the following principles:

  • Identification of analyses by name: The authors are not only responsible for their content. Above all, they are the creators of innovative ideas and thus guarantee the scientific quality of their publications.
  • The authors state their academic qualification (at least Master’s), their disciplinary roots, their experience as scientists based on this, and their status in the scientific community.
  • Compliance with scientific standards: In addition to the truthful reproduction of facts and the proof of relevant sources, this includes above all the respectful handling of the intellectual property of other authors, which is always marked as such.
  • Use of scientific working techniques: They begin with the presentation of a clear question, include a systematic presentation and discussion of the chosen topic and arrive at final results in the form of possible options for action or factually justified recommendations.
  • Compliance with ethical standards: They include an exclusively pertinent confrontation with political actors and organisations as well as with the assessments of other scientists. Their public reputation must not be damaged by insinuations or defamations.
  • Compliance with normative values. The canon of values includes a strict orientation towards peace, i.e. the rejection of calls for violent measures or actions against individuals, organisations or states. Preserving the sovereignty of states is regarded as an indispensable pre-condition for maintaining world peace. Only it offers a secure basis for solution-oriented approaches in the social sciences.
  • The effort for innovation: This online journal is open to new topics and methods and promotes the combination of different approaches. It aims to counter a specialism that overestimates individual factors in its analyses and forgets synthesis. Innovation means to depict complexity analytically without losing sight of the whole.

The publisher adheres to the following procedure for ensuring scientific quality:

  • As soon as a contribution is received for the online journal, it will be reviewed by the editor according to the above criteria.
  • If the submission does not fully meet the above criteria, there are two possible consequences. First, the entry will be rejected or second, it will be returned to the author for post-qualification.
  • If the contribution meets the above criteria, including compliance with scientific standards and ethical and normative values, it will be published.